Future Stars Fall and Winter U11/U9/U7


Future Stars 

All players and skill levels welcomed players will be in small groups where they will work to maximize their individualized learning. We work with you to make sure we build a strong foundation and progress to more advanced skills.We but the FUN in fundamentals.

Skills Taught:

OffensiveProper shooting mechanics, different types of dodges, shot selection, finishing in close and the outside, field awareness shooting on the run, 2 man game, pick and rolls, deceptive shooting

Defensive: Defensive positioning, communication, footwork, throwing checks, defending from different spots on the field, individual and team defence 

Intro to GoalieProper warm-up, positioning, stance, communication, rebound control, footwork (Box and Field stations available each week)

SAQ (Speed, Agility, Quickness): Basic fundamentals of athletic performance, consist of short intense drills that involve quick acceleration/deceleration while moving forward/backwards and side to side.

When: Wednesday's and Friday's Starting September,6th

Wednesday's (5:30-6:30pm Triple Play Sports @ South Ajax Golf Course)

  • Fall: September and October
  • Winter 1:
    • November and December (5:00-6:00pm Whitby Soccer Dome)
  • Winter 2:
    • January and February (5:00-6:00pm Whitby Soccer Dome)

Friday's (5:30-630 Triple Play Sports)

  • Fall: September and October
  • Winter 1:
    • November and December
  • Winter 2: 
    • January and February

Ages: 2019,2018,2017, 2016, 2015

Player Information

What is your skill Level?
What is your division?
Jersey size:
Special Instructions
Additional players Information ( Enter name, age and position for all additional players here ).
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